Thursday 1 December 2016


Editing analysis 

 Watch the 'Introduction to Editing' video. Take notes about editing here:
The Gloaming

• What is editing?
Editing is arranging and preparing a written, audio or video material for a final production, usually by an editor other than the creator of the material. The objectives of editing include detection and removal of error to create a smooth sequence.

• What is Elliptical editing?
It allows to fill in the gaps and move on with the story quickly and takes up a less actual time on the screen.

• Why are long shots used?
A long shot is used to show a where the character is and tells the audience that she is alone.

• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?
non diagetic sound is sound which isn’t actually in the shot (the character cant hear it but the audience can) the music adds tension and unease as the girls discovers what happens to her boyfriend and realizes she is alone in the woods. 

• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?)
the character looks down to the right of the frame, as she bends down, the camera cuts to the ring on the ground and because this shot follows the previous one of her looking down, we fill in the gaps and make the connection that the ring is what she is looking at. The director could have used a long interrupted shot, which shows her bend down all the way but cutting the 2 shots together of the girl and the ring is a quicker way of making the same point.

• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?
The director sets out the space where the action takes place. The camera moves back and fourth, even though they are not in the same shot, the audience knows that those specific characters are in a conversation

• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?
By cutting back and fourth between 2 characters shows that they are looking and talking to each other.

• What is Eye-line matching?
One character looks off screen and down and the other characters looks off screen and up, we guess from the angles of their eyes that they are looking at each other.

• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
Its to see their faces and their reaction both to the plan to to each other. 

• What is a wipe?
The editors wipe to move the action to another location and time. And choses a diagonal angle to show a disorienting view of a building site, this wipe and unusual angle put in with a trendy hip style of hustle is known as a mise-en-scene.

• What is the effect of using quick cuts?
the first minute of the scene is made up of 26 different shots, which creates a fast rhythm which intern keeps the story moving along and makes the audience on their toes.

b) Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:
• How can editing build tension and pace?
As you watch the scene (just under a minute), there are a number of shots changes, different shots are used such as close ups and long shots, by the end of the scene, it builds tension by making the shot shorter and more frequent.

• What is crosscutting?
Cross cutting is between 2 characters (or more) it cross cuts back and fourth between the characters to see their progress.

• What are reaction shots?

A reaction shots vary from close up and long shots to see their reaction to the climbers.

• What is seamless editing?
The shots are varied from long shots to close ups, because of the drama of the situation and the way the sequence is being constructed, the audience doesn’t notice the work of the editor. It focuses more on the story. The audience’s expectations is will they or wont they fall off the cliff, keeps the audience engage in watching, they don’t necessarily focus on the editing.

• What is a jump cut?
A jump cut is a deliberate joke, its also a way for the film maker to lets the audience in on the filmmaking process, to expose rather than hide the edit.

• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?
Flash backs takes the audience from one point of time to another, often used to show backstory of a character, which explains how they got to where they are now.  Flash backs are a way to know a characters’ backstory and him they are important in the film. At the end of the scene, you finally know who the man running is and what his past was like and what he did. Thanks to the flash bac, the audience now knows who the convict is which makes it more tense and emotion.

• How can editing be used poetically?
This mainly used to make the audience make the connection between the shots and build up the story. Its an elliptical side of editing, instead it makes the audience work harder in understanding the story.

C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.

In the gloaming, a lot of the shots are to show where the character is and her emotion, using a wide range of close up and long shots. The director shows the audience that she is alone and scared. A lot of the editing is Elliptical editing, to speed up the story and save screening time. As well as using diagetic sounds in the film, the director puts in a lot of non diagetic sound to create an eerie atmosphere in the film. the music adds tension and unease towards the audience as the main character discovers her loss. I like the use of looking down the frame and then cutting to the ring on the ground, it is a much more interesting way of discovering something, and a s a viewer, it makes you wonder what she is looking.

I like the use of editing that they use in the film, with a blurry out not focus close up, her face in focuses and the background in a milky blue colour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , the camera is handheld and then moves the girls face in and out of focuses, these techniques makes the audience feel lost and confused just like the girl. I have learned how editors can edit footage in such ways to make the audience feel what the character on screen is feeling. Over all , I have learned about the different techniques they use and how they use it.

Read the Film editor job profile. Then, summarize in your own words the key aspects of being an editor. Explain what other people the editor works with and the skills needed.

Film editors are responsible for assembling recorded footage into a finishing sequence/film that is suitable to broadcast. The materials include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects. This is a key role in the post production process and skills can be determines the quality and delivery of the final product. Editors usually work closely to the director to achieve the desired end result.

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